Hi guys, common test results are out. Quite unexpected and definitely below par.
Here are the results... some of which are not known fully, yet.
GP - ??
Chem - 50/100, Barely scraped through.
Math - 71/100, well didn't really expect this since I did not really revise, just did lotsa questions on Binomial, Poisson and probability
Physics - 36/75, definitely off form. :(
Econs - 13/30 for case study. Since everybody failed, I'm not sure if this is good or bad. But the fact that there are few who did well shows that it can be done. Imma try harder for this. >:)
That's all ya, oh and I got back my PW results. It's a letter that can go well with my name. (B duh) But it doesn't matter. Big exam is 6 months later. I'm not gonna afford anymore screw ups. My grandparents came from China recently and is staying here for a few weeks, or months. They'll be going to marina bay sands for a night tmr. I'm gonna follow them for lunch, then after that I'll be mugging in the hotel room. (Whut?) LOL. I rather go swimming at their pool. Damn awesome. But nah nvm. Got lots of work to clear.
I don't really mind myself being busy studying all day long. I feel that it's better that way. But can I do it? Nah, I'll go crazy in the end. I'll achieve my goal, but not be happy. What's the point? I want to achieve my goals, and be happy at the same time. Yup. That's what I aim to do.
Stay optimistic and proactive Bili, that's what you're known for, and you'll be able to pull through A lvls just like that. *Blink*
I realise the "AHH WOOOOOO~~~" at the start of my blog song sounds damn random (for those who dunno it's a song) I mean you click on my link, you see "25 To Life", the next thing you hear is "AHH WOOOOOOO~~~~" LOL.
Nope, this life right now isn't stressful at all. We have much more in store for us. (A levels I'm looking at you.)
Came back from Speech Day rehearsal with a dead brain. I just read through my econs, pretty much prepared to fail. I guess I'm reviving my Blogger again since... I don't know? It seems like everyone escaped blogger to go to somewhere else. o.0 Tumblr or something.
Alright I shall sleep, update more probably on Friday.
What's happening guys. I'm back for yet another post.
I just did math in my room. (Well that's dangerous, I could be stuck inside there forever doing math) But this is the first time that I stopped. I was doing the revision booklet that JJC gave me. And apparently the PnC questions are pissing me off really bad. I shouted in my room. Just so happens that my neighbour can see my room from the balcony. She saw me shouting, and erm, let's just say I left a bad impression of myself to her. LOL.
So I decided to stop doing work for a while la, duh. Or else the next thing I'll do will be to jump off a building already. I don't know what's going on with me. I used to love studying so much. Have I burnt out or something? As the wise Tatster said: "If you give your 100% for common test, you are obliged to give 100% for the other tests as well, very easy burn out."
Yeah, so I shall just give 50% this time. Sufficient to pass. LOL. BUT apparently, those J1s who are reading my blog, you gotta give 100% for all YOUR tests. In J2 it's all about A levels. But J1s, is all about promos. And promos is cumulative. So work hard my dear juniors. ;)
Ah, I've left my room and I'm sitting here in the living room with my laptop. What pure entertainment. Of course Tatster dragged me along for DotA, just when I was about to play some Dragon Age Origins. It's a nice game by the way. I'll buy Dragon Age 2 after A levels.
I suppose nobody really reads this blog until this paragraph, because according to somebody, it was mentioned that my blog is very 'speechy' and boring. :(
Alright, here's a video that sparked my blogging nerves. Also, it was due to yesterday's GP tuition topic on a touchy issue. 'Racism'.
This issue of racism has been pondering in my head for quite a while as well. Are we really racist? Or are we just expressing our opinion of others? If just by expressing our opinions on others implies that we are racist, then I don't think that should be the issue.
I know that I'm actually blogging right now, and there will be a possibility for anything written here to be accounted in for the Sedition Act. This act says that words 'to promote feelings of ill will and hostility between different races and classes of the population' would be seditious. Am I provoking any 'ill-will' and 'hostility'? I doubt so. Let's carry on.
Let's talk about that new Peter Chao video shown above. You guys should watch the girl's video too. I shall add it in... right now.
I assume that everybody reading my blog are ASIANS. So yeah, let me get this straight. In Singapore, where Chinese is the majority, you don't feel any racism towards us. But there, in UCLA (Ivy League hello...?) or any other places, Asians are being discriminated like this? Disheartening.
Perhaps what I read in GP tuition yesterday was true. It was adopted from 'Hegemony That Binds' by George Wilson. "White societies have been the global top dogs for half a millennium since the Chinese civilization became dealing hermits." and "Whites are the only race that never suffers systemic racism. And the impact of them on others has been more profoundly baneful than any other."
Here comes the crux of this paragraph. "It remains thus the only racism dominant enough with global insidious reach."
Well, after watching this video, I'd say, yes. Apparently the whites are very proud of who they are. Referring their culture as the 'American culture'. That undergraduate in Political Science even stated how 'American mothers teach their daughters'. So Asian parents don't teach their daughters/sons as well as the whites do?
It is very true that it's hard to be racist against whites. Put aside anti-Semitism, how do you criticize a white's culture? It's impossible. No, I am not encouraging any racist comments or inducing racist thoughts here, but it really is impossible to criticize a white base on his/her colour. White in the Singapore flag stands for purity. White stands for innocence, pure (yeah I've already mentioned), angelic, heavenly. There's not a single negative meaning of the colour white. (Unless it's raising the white flag, which is a good thing. Peace)
Whites are the majority. They are the superpowers. This gives them the right to talk about other races, to display racial prejudice despite whatever 'righteousness' with assumptions about its own superiority. (Taken from George Wilson's article once more ^^) Majority has the ability to judge the minority. Isn't this true?
I don't believe that racism is about colour. George Wilson mentioned that it's easy to be racist due to the colour of human beings. It can bring about an immediate judgement of which race is superior to the other. But, if we put aside the colour of our skin, and judge one mostly based on their behaviour. Isn't it the same as classifying out those who are ill-taught?
What if, the girl above was ranting about whites talking loudly on their phone? Would there be as much controversy? Racism is nothing more than judging one based on their behaviour, with the factor of 'colour' being brought in. If we are all of the same colour, there will be such a thing called a behaviourism. The discrimination of people who don't behave well. This is exactly what racism is. But it's brought to a whole new level. As racism against one race will cause more hatred among them, hence wrecking more havoc in the society. The whites have never wrecked any havoc, or have they? Were they the ones who started it? Or were they the ones who wanted to help, *but in fact made it worst*? This very sentence that I typed could be seditious. Wow. To me, racism is not a problem. It's the violence that follows it which is the problem.
Martin Luther King's 'I Have A Dream', Barack Obama's victory at the election. These are clear examples of how the blacks, despite being victims of racism once, can still rise to become leaders and influential characters in the country.
So if I were to say that a (insert race) boy/girl was misbehaving, and start a rant on it. Which should be the larger emphasis? The race? Or the misbehavior? Let's all contemplate about this issue.
I'm not being seditious. I'm not trying to cause any influx of hate and conflict between different races. I said what I wanted to say, meticulously, and with lots of precautions.
This small blog on the Internet may not be that influential to the rest, but I'd just like to express my view on racism to all of you. :)