Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What I felt, what I've known, never shine through what I've shown.

hello hello i'm back.. well today was a great day! :D

erm, got back my MT O lvl results... A1!!!!!! :D :D :D hard work finally payed off, got this damn burden off my chest. and hey, i hugged tan boon heng. LOL. hugged et too. so i hugged both the 'tan's.

cant celebrate now, because el oral is on friday. =S the irony of it. end of one battle, start of another. is there even an irony? i dont know too. why not u tell me? ya.. er i realised my brain capacity is getting better. like i upgraded my mobo and hard drive alr. but den now i need to upgrade my RAM. because i'm lacking the energy to do things in a very quick and fast speed. so i need to upgrade RAM now! and that's my body's physical needs... ya. more sleep etc etc. so i'm gonna sleep after posting this (btw i'm using my laptop. left it alone and it healed on its own again. wow)

today after sch stay back all the way cuz there was no focus. saw np training and was =.=. srsly i dunno what feeling do i have. anyway feels good to sit in np room and do nth la. i left my water bottle inside. !@#$%^ (it's mineral water). felt bored after a while and den went back to canteen to do oral practice with wingtong lixuan and weixuan. and niger came after a while. practice lor. i'm still lacking smth for conversation. i dont know what is it, but it's just smth that is missing. smth that is... er missing la...

yeap, other than that... i wanna change a phone soon. i mean, i'm gonna change a phone soon.
does this looks nice? er... yea i wanna get a touch phone. no particular reason, i just prefer touching the screen instead of typing. speaking of typing my finger nails are very long. i shall cut them later.

these few days night focus is super sian... put the oral aside, i finished studying bio theme II alr. starting on the booklet and realised most questions are on theme 3. well, theme 3 has the heaviest weightage.. aw man. =( so i cant do much, but i still can revise on my theme II while studying for theme III.

physics... chiang told me i'm slow. cuz i'm still at first booklet. heck la, i shall buy him breakfast someday when i got money.

chem... oh ya tmr i gonna find ms tan during recess. chem booklet stuff. need to ask her some questions regarding it. a lot sia... just need to ask her one, den the rest i'll understand i think? haha we shall see.

maths! mr goh i love you. amath nvr seem so easy to me. but i'm still having an amath paper due tmr..i'll do it in sch tmr... anyway a whole bulk will be away for oral tmr, all the best!!! =D my oral on friday. good thing or bad thing? i pray hard tmr topic is on sports. den means tt higher chance of getting racial harmony or school life. i hope so la... so ppl, if u believe in bili's theory, kindly go revise sports tmr! thanks so much.

yea to those who are gonna retake mt papers, ALL THE BEST TOO! chinese is in ur blood, may the cheena be with u =D
gratz to you who got a1 too!
er... i go sleep alr. dead tired. and my iPod is charging. ppl play tap tap until no batt. win liao. LOL. and i begged my mom to transfer money to my acct. hopefully tmr i'll be able to return ppl who lent me money. thanks a lot people, i appreciate it. =)
i feel bad now. dont feel bad please, i'll feel more bad.
gnite ppl!


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